When Will My Order Arrive?

Orders are shipped via NZ Post (2 or 3 working days delivery time). NZ Post ship packages Monday-Saturday.

Please note that shipment times may vary, however we aim to ship all packages within 24-48 hours of them being placed (excluding Sundays). We cannot guarantee a certain day when the package will arrive, so please order in good time.

Can My order Be Delivered On an Exact Date?

No. We cannot guarantee delivery on a certain day as shipping times vary depending on location. However, all orders are delivered within the dates that we state. To ensure that your order arrives close to, or on the day that you want it to arrive, please place your order in accordance with our shipping times.

Will the Person I am Sending the Potato to, Know That I Was The One Who Sent it To Them ?

That is up to you! The orders can be anonymous or not. We will never show your shipping address as the return address. It will only show our shipping address and the recipient’s on the package. We will also never show your email. That is why it is very important to enter YOUR email and the RECIPIENT’S shipping address at checkout. If you want the person to know that it was from you, simply write your name in the message. For example “Love, Emma.”

Where is My Order Confirmation?

All customers receive an automatic email sent to the email entered in the order that confirms the details of your order. If you do not receive the email, please make sure that we are on your email account’s “safe list” and that the emails are not going into your SPAM folder.

Whose Shipping Address Do I Enter At the Checkout?

At Potato Confidential, we love sending potato messages to other people. So please enter the RECIPIENT’S shipping address, so that the potato can go to them (unless you are sending a potato to yourself!). Enter YOUR email on shipping information. If you enter the recipient’s email in the shipping information, then they will get the order confirmation email and know that you are sending them the potato. You don’t want to ruin the surprise!

Where Do I Enter My Potato Message?

On the product page, where it says “Enter your custom message here.” Please remember to do this or we cannot process your order.

How Many Words Can Fit on Potato?

We have 130 characters max on potatoes. Why? Because we cannot fit more than that on them.

Can i Eat The Potato I Receive?

No. We do not recommend eating these potatoes as they have ink and can pick up bacteria during the shipping process. We are not liable for any sickness if you eat the potatoes!